It is as easy as filling out the attached Membership Application file (located at the bottom of this page) along with your membership dues to the SVMGCC. Your membership badge will be available at a monthly meeting after you have joined, and you will be able to read the monthly newsletters by visiting the club website and clicking on the "MG Type Newsletter" heading on the home page.
Dues for New Members
Please forward your check along with your completed membership form (see below) to SVMGCC Membership Chairperson, P.O. Box 7137 Folsom, CA 95763-7137. Questions regarding dues should be sent to:
Dues for full membership (those owning an MG) are $30.00 per fiscal year, payable on the first day of July annually. If you join April to July, your dues are $30 but membership runs until June 30th of the following fiscal year. Dues are broken down for the rest of the year as follows: August $27.50, September $25.00, October $22.50, November $20.00, December $17.50, January $15.00, February $12.50, and March $10.00. Dues for associate membership (those not currently owning an MG & are non-voting) are $24.00 per fiscal year, April to July $24.00, August $22.00, September $20.00, October $18.00, November $16.00, December $14.00, January $12.00, February $10.00, and March $8.00.
All MGs Welcome
The Sacramento Valley MG Car Club was created to band together owners of the MG automobile... to provide a way of exchanging ideas, technical data, amusing stories, and just plain fun. All MG owners are invited to enjoy the "MG experience" to the fullest with friends. Ownership of an MG car is not required for membership, but non-MG owners are classified as Associate members and have no voting rights.
What Membership Means
There are MG clubs worldwide, from England to Australia, Brazil to Japan. It is truly the "Sports car that the world loved first". Belonging to the Sacramento Valley MG Car Club puts you in touch with the realm of MGs. Members also get the monthly club publication, the MG Type. Whatever your MG means to you, membership in the club will be a big plus; whether your car is a "daily driver" or a pleasant hobby, the SVMGCC will be a valuable resource. The club regularly schedules events designed to encourage group participation (with or without your MG) such as tours, tech sessions, meets, rallies, picnics, and parades. There is at least one event planned monthly and usually there are more listed in our newsletter. If you'd like to check us out before deciding to join the club, you are cordially invited to attend any of the group’s monthly meetings or events listed in the "Future Events" section of the website or in the Car Club section of the Sacramento Bee. We are the Sacramento Centre for the MG Car Club of England (“The oldest MG Club in the World”), an affiliate of the MG Owners Club and a chapter of the North American MGB Register, the North American MGC Register, and North American MGA Register.
Your Next Step
The first MG roared out of the Morris Garage works in 1923... the car with the motto "SAFETY FAST" has truly come a long way. Be part of this tradition and make new friends in the process. For additional information call our Membership Chair, Val Howard-Hogue, (916) 616-8583 or email:
Download a Membership form now!
Membership Form in Adobe PDF format.
Membership Form in Microsoft Word format.